– Train With Todd –

One on one or groups
Includes HTPs – Home Training Programs
F2F (Face to Face) Personal Training and Coaching along with online training is available:

Popular Training packages include:


Sports Specific Training

Athletic Development

Strength & Conditioning

Body Fat % Loss

Muscle and Strength Gains

Group Training & Corporate Wellness

Get in Touch with Todd 0413 698 013 or email.

– Mentoring Program –

For Individuals or Facilities (4wk, 8wk & 12wk MPs)

Starting out as a PT or new Operator with a new team or perhaps growth in your business is stalling after being in the industry for a few years. Have you ever thought about having a mentor who has been through what you have been through and experienced what its like first hand starting out, growing and surviving the life as a PT in the health and fitness industry?

Get in touch with Todd and discuss ways you can grow, prosper and enjoy your career as a health professional.

Mentoring includes F2F and or online coaching sessions, 12-month subscription to your very own AFTPro trainer app (apple users) and ready-made training programs for you to use with your very own clients.

Chat with Todd 0413 698 013 or email.

– Seminars & Workshops – Full & Half Day –

Seminars and PT education workshops cover the following Key focus areas for PTs:

Customer Service – Shifting your focus to end UX (User experience)

What is your POD? (Point of Difference)

Touch, Engage, Connect – preparing you today for your clients tomorrow

Alone Time – Going it alone in PT land

Survival of the Most Willing – How to survive, build and flourish

Utilising Technology in the Health and Fitness Space

Chat with Todd and discuss for yourself and/or team the most suitable workshops for you 0413 698 013 or email.

– Consultancy for Guy Owners & Hotel Health Clubs –

Need to find out just what the latest trends are in the health and fitness industry domestically or globally? How can you be on the right track when it comes to opening, refurbishing or branding your health club, Hotel gym or boutique studio?

For over 10 years Todd has worked in and with leading 5-star Hotels and Health Clubs from leading international brands such as Accor, Parkroyal and Langham in designing and implementing their structure, culture, floor plans, programming and customer onboarding programs.

As the current National Master Trainer for Technogym Australia, Todd delivers education inductions and trains hundreds of PTs and gym owners and their managers annually to assist in improving their Member end user experience.

Discuss with Todd what your brand wants to acheive before you embark on your new or next venture.

Chat with Todd 0413 698 013 or email.